Saturday, June 07, 2008


Striding Edge

Striding Edge
Originally uploaded by Adeeh2

I've promised (they would say threatened) to take the girls along Striding Edge and have stayed at our rented caravan in Patterdale twice before and not done it. This year we did it and I was a proud man as wife and daughter relished it and made light work of the scrambling. Dee had done it 3 times before (over 20 years ago now..!!) and confidently takled all the scrambling without wavering from the crest. Izzy was like a mountain goat and seemed to find energy rarely seen on mountains and scampered ahead almost unable to stop - eventually going on ahead where she met us on the summit.

After my many crossings the fine situation and consistent quality and difficulty of the scrambling still impressed me greatly....and I think it's also the perfect length - not to short to leave you wanting more (as Sharp Edge can be) but not so long that it becomes 'too much of a good thing'.

I haven't done it in shorts for a very long time and there was something of a party feel on the ridge with so many first timers on the ridge...some struggling, but all really proud of their achievements. A great day out in the best of lakeland.

To see the set, click on the link below (or the photo)

Titanesses of the mountains!

...we managed a much more modest Catbells on Sunday. It was great.
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